Get a list of species by country from IUCN
How many species are in each country according to IUCN Red List?
Today, my goal is to get a list of species per country according to the
ICUN Red List. I could use the
rredlist R package. There is a
function that sounds helpful: rl_sp_country()
. But just to test my API
query techniques, I will use the IUCN
API to find it out. Note:
the rredlist
package, does exactly the same, an API query.
You can check my other posts playing around with the iNaturalist API: First steps with the iNaturalist API and Using the iNaturalist API to detect novel records.
Let’s go!
The use of the IUCN API is strictly under the Terms of Use of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
We will use data from Latin America and the package countrycode
to get
the ISO2 code for each country.
LatinAmerica <- tibble(country= c('Mexico', 'Brazil', 'Costa Rica', 'Colombia', 'Peru', 'Argentina', 'Ecuador', 'Panama', 'Chile', 'Venezuela', 'Belize', 'Honduras', 'Bolivia', 'Guatemala', 'Cuba', 'Nicaragua', 'Paraguay', 'Bahamas', 'Jamaica', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Guyana', 'Dominican Republic', 'El Salvador', 'Suriname', 'Uruguay', 'Haiti')) %>%
mutate(iso=countrycode(country, '', 'iso2c'))
LatinAmerica %>% kable()
country | iso |
Mexico | MX |
Brazil | BR |
Costa Rica | CR |
Colombia | CO |
Peru | PE |
Argentina | AR |
Ecuador | EC |
Panama | PA |
Chile | CL |
Venezuela | VE |
Belize | BZ |
Honduras | HN |
Bolivia | BO |
Guatemala | GT |
Cuba | CU |
Nicaragua | NI |
Paraguay | PY |
Bahamas | BS |
Jamaica | JM |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT |
Guyana | GY |
Dominican Republic | DO |
El Salvador | SV |
Suriname | SR |
Uruguay | UY |
Haiti | HT |
Now, let’s build a function to get the list of species per country.
The function gets a list of countries iso codes and a IUCN token, and
returns a tibble with the scientific name and taxon id of the species,
the IUCN category and the country iso. We will use the packages httr
and jsonlite
to process the JSON call. To check that is doing what
we want, the function will print on screen the process, with the result
number and the queried country.
getSpeciesByCountriesIUCN <- function(country_iso, token) {
speciesByCountries <- tibble(scientific_name = character(),
taxon_id = numeric(),
category = character(),
country = character())
num_results = 0 # used to put the API to sleep and print on the console the num
for(country_iso_i in country_iso) {
if ((num_results %% 10) + 10 == 10) {
Sys.sleep(0) # every 10 calls, the code can stop for x seconds
call_url <- str_glue('',
get_json_call <- GET(url = call_url) %>%
content(as = "text") %>% fromJSON(flatten = TRUE)
results <- as_tibble(get_json_call$result)
speciesByCountries_i <- tibble(scientific_name = results$scientific_name,
taxon_id = results$taxonid,
category = results$category,
country = country_iso_i)
speciesByCountries <- rbind(speciesByCountries, speciesByCountries_i)
num_results <- num_results + 1
cat(num_results, ': ', country_iso_i, '\n')
So, let’s try it out!
To use it you WILL need a token from IUCN. Here you can find more information on how to get it.
token <- '' # paste here the token you get from IUCN
speciesByLatamCountriesIUCN <- getSpeciesByCountriesIUCN(LatinAmerica$iso, token)
head(speciesByLatamCountriesIUCN, n=5) %>%
scientific_name | taxon_id | category | country |
Abaeis nicippe | 173005000 | LC | MX |
Abarema idiopoda | 146784206 | LC | MX |
Abarema zolleriana | 198888990 | VU | MX |
Abatia mexicana | 126620170 | VU | MX |
Abeillia abeillei | 22687170 | LC | MX |
Finally, let’s do some summaries to find out how many species we have
per country, and, for instance, how many are not threatened according to
the IUCN categories (LC
), (VU
), and (NT
), and the percentage over
the total.
speciesByLatamCountriesIUCN %>%
mutate(countryName=countrycode(country, 'iso2c', '')) %>%
group_by(countryName) %>%
non_threatened=n_distinct(scientific_name[category == 'LC' |
category == 'VU'|
category == 'NT'])) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(`%` = scales::label_percent()(round(non_threatened / species_richness, 2))) %>%
rename(`Country name`=countryName,
`Number of species`=species_richness,
`Number of non-threatened species`=non_threatened) %>%
kable(format.args= list(big.mark = ','))
Country name | Number of species | Number of non-threatened species | % |
Argentina | 4,587 | 4,146 | 90% |
Bahamas | 2,516 | 2,299 | 91% |
Belize | 3,750 | 3,522 | 94% |
Bolivia | 6,536 | 6,057 | 93% |
Brazil | 18,079 | 14,910 | 82% |
Chile | 2,382 | 1,976 | 83% |
Colombia | 14,570 | 12,628 | 87% |
Costa Rica | 7,455 | 6,734 | 90% |
Cuba | 3,459 | 3,014 | 87% |
Dominican Republic | 2,870 | 2,562 | 89% |
Ecuador | 11,343 | 9,087 | 80% |
El Salvador | 3,061 | 2,872 | 94% |
Guatemala | 5,880 | 5,194 | 88% |
Guyana | 5,211 | 4,935 | 95% |
Haiti | 2,870 | 2,410 | 84% |
Honduras | 5,667 | 5,154 | 91% |
Jamaica | 2,702 | 2,324 | 86% |
Mexico | 12,564 | 10,002 | 80% |
Nicaragua | 5,492 | 5,150 | 94% |
Panama | 7,645 | 6,822 | 89% |
Paraguay | 2,475 | 2,363 | 95% |
Peru | 10,169 | 8,981 | 88% |
Suriname | 4,412 | 4,220 | 96% |
Trinidad & Tobago | 3,075 | 2,868 | 93% |
Uruguay | 1,901 | 1,742 | 92% |
Venezuela | 10,117 | 8,953 | 88% |