Hola 🧉

I’m Flo, a biologist from Uruguay living in the Czech Republic. My research focuses on studying the spatial and temporal patterns of biodiversity. I work mainly in the Neotropical region and specifically with mammalian carnivores. My interests fall under areas like macroecology, biodiversity informatics, open science and community science. I coordinate Biodiversidata and NaturalistaUY. I’m also into camera-trapping and recording biodiversity. Be aware that on my site, I mix Spanish and English :)


(2024). A continental-wide decline of occupancy and diversity in five Neotropical carnivores. Global Ecology and Conservation.

PDF Cite Code DOI

(2024). Desafíos y barreras para la disponibilización de datos abiertos de biodiversidad en Uruguay. Ecologia Austral.


(2024). Species diversity and extinction risk of vertebrate pollinators in India. Biodiversity and Conservation.

PDF Cite Dataset DOI

(2024). Status of the invasion of Carpobrotus edulis in Uruguay based on citizen science records. Biological Invasions.

PDF Cite Code DOI

(2023). SPARSE 1.0 a template for databases of species inventories, with an open example of Czech birds. Biodiversity Data Journal, 11(e108731).

PDF Cite Dataset DOI


(2024). NaturalistaUY en Uruguay: un caso de ciencia comunitaria en América Latina desde una perspectiva crítica. LatArXiv.

PDF Cite DOI Supplemental Materials

(2024). A continental-wide decline of occupancy and diversity in five charismatic Neotropical carnivores. SSRN.


(2024). Gaps between Open Science activities and actual recognition systems: Insights from an international survey. SocArXiv.

PDF Cite Code DOI Supplemental Materials

(2024). Desafíos y barreras para la disponibilización de datos abiertos de biodiversidad en Uruguay. EcoEvoRxiv.


(2023). Status of the invasion of Carpobrotus edulis in Uruguay based on community science records. Research Square.

PDF Cite Code DOI


Postdoc at ČZU

Postdoc at ČZU

Integrating data to detect temporal dynamics of Neotropical carnivores



Consorcio de Datos de Biodiversidad del Uruguay | Uruguayan Consortium of Biodiversity Data



El portal de iNaturalist para Uruguay

PhD in Life Sciences

PhD in Life Sciences

Biodiversity informatics and macroecological patterns of biodiversity. Uruguay as a model region



Jugando en la Naturaleza

A Computer of One’s Own

A Computer of One’s Own

Pioneers of the Computing Age

Comparative Genomics

Comparative Genomics

Salmonella as foodborne pathogen - epidemiology, pathogenesis and prevention

Fogones de Fauna

Fogones de Fauna

Collaborative-learning experience in the protected area of Paso Centurión

Landscape Genetics

Landscape Genetics

The impact of environmental characteristics in the genetic structure of three native mammal species

Masters in Biological Sciences

Masters in Biological Sciences

Contributions of molecular ecology to the study of mammals in Uruguay

Relaciones sociedad–naturaleza en la frontera

Relaciones sociedad–naturaleza en la frontera

Espacio de Formación Integral (EFI) en Paso Centurión, Uruguay


Talks & other Activities

The scale-dependency of species associations in the eyes of integrated species distribution models
Presentation at the ISEC 2024
The scale-dependency of species associations in the eyes of integrated species distribution models
NaturalistaUY un caso de ciencia comunitaria desde una perspectiva crítica
Poster en CAPS 2024
NaturalistaUY un caso de ciencia comunitaria desde una perspectiva crítica
Las maravillas de iNaturalist
Seminario DEB-IIBCE
Las maravillas de iNaturalist


A mix of coding, news and personal reflextions

DuckDB and GloNAF

How to process large database files


  • grattarola[at]fzp.czu.cz
  • Kamýcká 129, Prague, Suchdol 165 00